Pamela Emmerling - Successful Communication is Mindfulness
In a world that is in dire need for people caring for each other, communication is a crucial instrument. Children learn through language to understand the world, and adults find their place through communicating with their fellow human beings. Where speechlessness or violent language prevail, community structures are threatened. Words can impress, help, and heal, but can also cause permanent hurt . Many people strive for thoughtful speech, because everybody has made the experience how deeply words can hurt. With his words "The question of meaning is not a neurosis." Viktor Frankl, wants to stress that our task is a continuous search for mindfulness in dealing with our fellow human beings.

Pamela Emmerling, born in 1957 in Bochum. studies in Freiburg and Düsseldorf, teaching appointments at Highschools, director of a department for the highly gifted at a Nothern gGrman further education provider. Lecturer at German Medical Associations, since 2003 lecturer at an Austrian provider of further education courses. Autor of scientific publications in the field of education. Certified practitioner in Psychotherapy, studies of Psychosynthesis, founder of a Center of Studies near Hamburg. Keynote Speaker at Congresses, coach für surgeries und clinics, regualr lecturer for a Federal Ministry. Publication of scientific books, e.g. Ärztliche Kommunikation (2nd ed., Thieme Verlag).